#000 - BS'ing with Brandi is Back! Plus Why You Don't Want to do a Regular Livestream Show

category: livestreaming facebook live type: podcast

Want to know what BS'ing was, why it went away, and why it's coming back? This will answer all of your questions. Oh, and there are some great tips about why you might not want to do a regular Facebook Live show :) 








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I mention:

  • what happened with the original BS’ing with Brandi show

  • what lessons I learned from doing a twice-weekly FB livestream with a Q&A format

  • what BS’ing with Brandi is going to look like going forward

That wraps up today’s episode of BS’ing with Brandi. If you enjoyed this topic, you can find more like it at bsingwithbrandi.com, along with show notes and links to any resources mentioned today. While you’re there, feel free to subscribe to future episodes on the platform of your choice, and I wish you all the best getting shit done this week!


Resources Mentioned


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