How to Use Social Media to Promote Your Event

category: event marketing event marketing facebook linkedin twitter type: blog

Have an event coming up that you need to promote? If you're looking to reach a wide audience while keeping your advertising budget to a minimum, you can use social media to promote your event. Using only the "Big 3" I've outlined a few tips to get you started.



Creating an event in Facebook is simple and free! It can also be easily shared, which means that your fans and friends can help your event reach a wider audience.  Here are some tips:

  • as soon as you click 'create' your event will appear on your timeline, so make sure all the basic details are correct!

  • make sure your 'events' tab is visible on the first row of your tabs

  • change your timeline cover to highlight your event with a call to action

  • create a cover image just for your event

  • share your event on your personal timeline as well as your page and any relevant groups you belong to

  • embed a Facebook widget that displays your event and those attending



While Twitter doesn't have an 'event' function, it is great for updates and communication with attendees. Here are some tips:

  • create a unique hashtag for your event; make sure this information is available on your Facebook event page

  • embed a Twitter widget on your website that displays all the tweets with your event hashtag

  • create a customized tweet for attendees to share



LinkedIn no longer has an events function, but it is still a great way to reach out to industry contacts

  • share your event on your company page, and to any relevant groups

  • send direct messages to connections who may be interested (important: don't spam all of your connections, pick and choose!)

  • create a group just for your event


This is just a small part of a much bigger event strategy.  How have you used social media in your events and how successful was the effort?




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