Never Run Out Of Stuff to Post on Social Media

category: social media content type: blog

Most people who are promoting their business, services, or products on social media come to me with one of two issues: a) they don’t have enough time to create new content every day, or; b) they aren’t sure what to post about or don’t think they have anything interesting to say (or sometimes both!).

The good news is two-fold:

  1. You don’t have to create content every day! In fact, it’s easier to keep your message consistent and on-brand if you are reusing and repurposing existing images, graphics, videos, and text.

  2. In the course of a normal business day you do, think about, or see enough things to completely fill up your social media calendar - even if you don’t realize it!

Let’s dive a bit deeper into what a business day might look like for you. I’ve written down a few questions that you can ask yourself in order to come up with ideas for your social media posts.


Your Office

Whether you have a home office or office space, there are plenty of things you can post about that showcase some aspect of your business, take people behind the scenes, or give sneak peeks about upcoming things:

  • Have you renovated or redecorated recently?

  • If you make your products (either handmade or digital) can we see a shot of it in progress or a how-it's-made video?

  • What are your employees working on today?

  • Did any clients come to visit you today?

  • Do you have new business cards or marketing materials to show off?


Your Client Work

This one may depend on your client contract, so make sure that it’s clear what information you can and can’t share:

  • Have you brought on a new client you can showcase?

  • Do you have a client testimonial you can share?

  • Show off a finished product for your latest client.

  • For services, can you take pictures of yourself working on the client project?

  • What kinds of things do your clients always ask about?


Your Business Operations

This is you working on your business instead of client work:

  • What are you working on today?

  • Is anything in your business changing that people may need to know about?

  • Is anything going on in your industry that people should know?

  • Is your business attending or sponsoring any events?

  • Is your business hosting an event that you need people to know about?


Your Business Development

This is everything you do to uplevel your skills and knowledge to continually improve your business:

  • Are you or your staff taking any courses, seminars, or certifications?

  • What business books or podcasts do you recommend?

  • How do you feel about your business compared to when it started?

  • Where do you picture your business in five years?

  • What accomplishments have you made in business?


Reuse Your Content

Now that we’re done with the 20 questions, think about how much of this stuff you could reuse in the future:

  • How-it’s-made videos or images can be used over and over again to showcase your creative process.

  • Common client questions can form FAQs that you can post about on a rotating basis.

  • If you put on regular events, you can use the same images and text to promote them (as long as the copy/images have been successful in the past - if not, update them).

  • Talk about the accomplishments and education of yourself and staff members on a regular basis - not everyone will have seen it first time around.


Repurpose Your Content

In addition to reusing your content, you can repurpose it by transforming it from one format to another - this will catch the attention of different people because we all have a preference for how we absorb information. For example:

  • That client testimonial that you typed out could easily be put on a graphic.

  • Your FAQs could be made into quick 30 second videos of you talking.

  • Those images you took from your last event could be turned into a slideshow.

The possibilities are endless!

The moral of the story is this: potentially everything we do for business can go on social media. You just need to get in the habit of thinking to yourself ‘could this inform or entertain my audience?’ And then squeeze all you can out of existing content by posting or sharing it again, tweaking it, and repurposing it to save yourself as much time as possible!


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